Text by Barbara Sandri and Francesco Giubbilini
Illustrations by Camilla Pintonato
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Why don’t chickens fly? Do hens have crests? Are all eggs destined to become chicks? Can chicks count? Can a rooster dance? What is hen therapy?
Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, once you start reading this book, you too will become a chicken enthusiast. With a fresh take on the subject, this fascinating and informative book presents a 360-degree look at the barnyard fowl in all its glory. You might even be tempted to raise a chicken or two in your own backyard! A delightful “chicken encyclopedia” for the whole family.
“An incredibly lovely and very informative book. Even the title is a delight.”
Isabella Rossellini
“Prepare to be fascinated by the varied world of chickens, presented here in charming detail. [...] The folk art-style illustrations do more than accompany the text. Readers will get to know chickens inside and out, with science-based spreads tackling everything from molting to mating, comb to cloaca. Endearingly dubbing chickens “irresistible companions,” this educational overview of all things chicken is bound to hatch some new enthusiasts.”
*American Library Association starred review
“Right out of the gate, content creation is fantastic. There is a remarkable amount of detail on each page which is intelligently presented in a dynamic design. The trio of two writers, Barbara Sandri and Francesco Giubbilini, meshed with genius illustrator Camilla Pintonato make each and every page leap with interest and style. Together they present a creative blend of variety and cohesiveness. There is so much information packed into these 80 pages, it’s hard to know what to highlight.”
The New York Journal of Books
A thorough breakdown of all things chickens—for beginners.
Kirkus Reviews
"If you've ever wondered about chickens or their eggs--perhaps which came first—this introduction is a good place to start....The clean and colorful illustrations, featuring neatly labeled diagrams and infographics and creative, occasionally whimsical drawings, are a good match for the straightforward text."
The Horn Book Guide
“Von der Liebe zum Huhn und der Faszination, die vom intelligenten Federvieh ausgeht, zeugt auch das visuell ausgesprochen ansprechende und hochwertig ausgestattete Kindersachbuch "Ich wollt', ich wär ein Huhn" von Barbara Sandri und Francesco Giubbilini, mit Illustrationen von Camilla Pintonato.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung
“Il gallinario, magnifico albo illustrato […] è una enciclopedia divertente che attraversa tutte le specie viventi.”
Il Manifesto
“Meno ruspante di quanto si creda, il mondo delle galline può rivelarsi davvero affascinante: su questo si basa questa curiosa e divertente “enciclopedia”, a metà strada tra l’albo illustrato e il manuale d’antan. Un esperimento editoriale intelligente e bello da guardare, per grandi e piccoli.”
7 Corriere della Sera
“Tra un razzolare e un crocchiare, un chiocciare e un deporre le uova, Il Gallinario è uno di quei libri che, finché non lo vedi, non sai di volerlo. […] Coloratissimo, “pieno come un uovo”, interessante dalla prima all’ultima pagina.”
“Un libro che più che voler offrire un approfondimento scientifico su un tema, sembra un’ode di stima e di stupore che i tre autori dedicano alle galline: un libro piacevolissimo, divertente, stupefacente che scardina il pregiudizio che dietro agli animali “comuni” non ci sia niente da dire.”
Scaffale Basso
★ Premio Panizon - Best Picture Book of 2020
★ Premio Andersen 2021 - Miglior Libro di divulgazione
★ 2022 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Prize for Excellence in Science Books finalist, Children's Science Picture Book category
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